‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Weight Loss Plan. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Weight Loss Plan. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Free Weight Loss programs

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The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness programs.

One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body. There are many books available in the bookstore which offer weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though. These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow. So before choosing which weight loss plan to follow, try reading these summaries about the most popular diet programs out today.

Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins. This weight loss program encourages high protein diet and a trim down on the carbs. One can feast on vegetables and meat but should fast on bread and pasta. One is also not restricted against fat intake so it is okay to pour in the salad dressing and freely spread on the butter. However, after the diet, one may find himself lacking on fiber and calcium yet high in fat. Intake of grains and fruits are also limited.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Drs. Heller. This diet plan advocates low carbohyrate eating. Approves on eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain products. however, warns against taking in too much carb. "Reward" meal can be too high on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Lose by Dr. Goor. Restrains fat intake. One is given a "fat" budget and he is given the liberty on how to spend it. It does not pressure the individual to watch his carbohydrate intake. Eating meat and poultry as well as low-fat dairy and seafoods is okay. A go signal is also given on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta. This weight loss plan is fairly healthy, good amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as saturated fats. Watch triglyceride levels though; if high, trim down the carbohydrates and tuck in more of the unsaturated fats.

The DASH Diet. Advocates moderate amounts of fat and protein intake and high on carbs. Primarily designed to lower blood pressure, the diet plan follows the pyramid food guide and encourages high intake of whole wheat grains as well as fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy. Some dieters think it advocates too much eating to procure significant weight loss.

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Ornish. Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low-fat. Gives the go signal on the "glow" foods but warns to watch it on non-fat dairy and egg whites. This diet is poor in calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods like seafoods and lean poultry.

Eat Right for Your Type. Interesting because it is based on the person's blood type. recommends plenty of mest for people with the blood type O. Diet plans for some blood types are nutritionally imbalanced and too low in calories. And for the record, there is even no proof that blood type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle. Focused on trimming the calorie density in eating by suggesting watery foods that make one feel full. Eating vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, pasta, soups, salads and low-fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to lean meat, pseafood and poultry. Although it is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and rich amounts of vegetables and fruits, it is also low on calcium and limits lean protein sources.

Volumetrics. For low-density calorie eating. Recommends the same foodstuff as Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods like popcorn, pretzels and crackers. This plan is reasonably healthy given the high amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as being low in calorie density and saturated fats.

The Zone. Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins. Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains. It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers. High carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins. A very healthy diet plan and very flexible too. it allows the dieter to plan his own meal rather than give him a set to follow.

The Weight Watchers Approach: It’s All in the Points

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         Michael C., a CEO who lives in the northeast, has lost 50 pounds since he joined Weight Watchers a few months ago.  He credits the program with helping him to achieve his ideal weight.  He also feels more energetic and healthier as a result of his experience with Weight Watchers.  Thanks to Weight Watchers, he is no longer self-conscious when it comes to taking family photographs.  In addition, he has received numerous compliments from his family and friends as a result of his weight loss.
         Weight Watchers has been part of the American vocabulary for decades.  The organization has become synonymous with weight loss.  All across America, people are planning their daily menus according to Weight Watchers’ innovative point system, which assigns a certain number of points to different foods based on calories, fiber, fat, and serving size.  For instance, a Quarter Pounder with cheese from McDonald’s is 13 points; corn on the cob is 3.  Each day, dieters attempt to stay within their maximum point range in order to lose weight.
           There are a number of advantages to the Weight Watchers program.  For instance, its point system is easy to follow—much easier than counting calories.  Also, the program represents a holistic approach which includes not only sound nutrition, but also a sensible exercise program.  In addition, dieters get a chance to meet with other dieters, who can form a network of support.  On the Weight Watchers plan, few people complain of feeling tired or hungry.  A number of nutritionists heartily endorse the Weight Watchers program because of its balanced approach.   Interestingly enough, no food is banned under the Weight Watchers program; however, if you want to indulge in a piece of banana cream pie, you might not have many points left for the rest of your day.   Yet another advantage to the Weight Watchers program is that you can buy Weight Watchers food at your local supermarket.   This aspect makes the program especially convenient.
        Certainly, some people, such as Michael C. and the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, have lost an appreciable amount of weight using the Weight Watchers program.   However, the vast majority of people only lose about six pounds—hardly enough for an individual who is considered to be obese.  It’s a fact that you won’t see advertised in Weight Watchers literature.  In fact, only 5 percent of dieters are able to maintain their weight loss over five years using the Weight Watchers system.     
        Other individuals find the Weight Watchers program too expensive to use.  In addition to the registration fee, there is an additional weekly fee you must pay.  Also, some individuals find little comfort in the weekly meetings—they feel that the other dieters often seem to be more competitive than supportive.  The point system can also cause dieters to become preoccupied with food, hurting their relationships with other people.   Once you leave the Weight Watchers program, you might find it extremely difficult to maintain your weight loss.  Also, if you don’t succeed in losing weight in the first few weeks, you may become frustrated and quit the program altogether.
        Interestingly enough, Weight Watchers has won an endorsement from an unexpected source—the restaurant chain known as Applebee’s.  Applebee’s now offers Weight Watchers entrees on its menus.  These dishes include a tortilla chicken melt (10 points), onion soup au gratin (three points), and chocolate raspberry layer cake (four points), among other entrees.
        Another advantage to the Weight Watchers program is that you can find the point values of a number of fast foods online.  This means that you are not choosing your food in the dark—you have some idea what these foods can do to your waistline.  Any weight loss program that improves your knowledge of nutrition should be considered beneficial.
        Choosing a weight loss program is an extremely personal decision, one that should not be taken lightly.  You will have to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the Weight Watchers program in order to decide whether it’s the right plan for you.  However, if you do select Weight Watchers, be sure to remain committed to it for at least six months in an effort to maximize your weight loss.

Surgery: A Weight Loss Plan for the Toughest Cases

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        Recently, a number of high-profile celebrities, from TV weatherman Al Roker to American Idol’s Randy Jackson, have made headlines as a result of undergoing weight loss surgery.  Supporters of such surgery say that it offers hope for people who seem unable to lose weight any other way.  They maintain that it is difficult to lose 50 or more pounds without surgical intervention.  Critics, however, maintain that surgery—especially stomach surgery—is risky business and should be approached with the utmost caution.   They worry that surgery is a quick fix which does not help to resolve an individual’s problem dealing with food.
      You might wonder under what conditions surgery would be recommended.  Generally speaking, surgery is only an option for those who have suffered from obesity for a protracted period of time  (meaning years), have a body mass index or BMI of more than 40, and whose lives could be cut short because of their excessive weight gain.  Also, stomach stapling surgery is usually limited to those who have already reached adulthood.
       Conversely, you would not be a candidate for stomach reduction surgery if you have been severely overweight for a short period of time; if you suffer from drug or alcohol addiction; or you have been diagnosed with mental illness.  In other words, you need to be fully cognizant and have a detailed understanding of the reasons for your obesity. 
         You should know that stomach reduction surgery is a proven weight-reducer.  You could lose nearly all of your extra weight by undergoing the procedure.  Thus, surgery may negate the need for a diet plan, although there is the slim possibility that you could end up putting on additional pounds after your operation.   
         There are a myriad of reasons why you might consider stomach stapling surgery.  For instance, if you are suffering from adult onset diabetes or heart trouble, you might want to undergo the operation.  If you are so obese that you can barely walk, surgery might be for you.  If your weight has gotten to the point where you literally find it difficult to get out of bed, an operation might be appropriate. 
        Of course, stomach stapling surgery is not without its risks.  In less than two percent of the cases, death may occur.  Also, there is the possibility that after surgery you may experience vomiting if you attempt to eat too much.  And then there’s the psychological fallout.  If you’ve been a heavy person all your life, you may have trouble adjusting to your new thin status.  You may even find that your relationships with relatives and friends change after you have undergone surgery.  As a result of this, some physicians recommend that candidates for stomach stapling surgery meet with a psychotherapist who can help them develop coping mechanisms before and after the surgery.
        Obviously, undergoing surgery is a serious step—one that should not be undertaken lightly.  As a result, you might want to ask yourself some questions before going under the knife:  Why do I want to undergo surgery?  What if I discover there are unexpected side-effects from surgery?  Will I be able to deal with them?  What are my options if I do not undergo surgery?  Will my family and friends support my decision to undergo an operation?  Am I considering surgery out of vanity, or because of a serious health threat?  Will years be added to my life after I undergo surgery?
       Of course, you cannot make the decision for stomach surgery on your own.  You will need to consult your family physician to determine if an operation is right for you.  If your doctor gives the O.K., you will then have to meet with the surgeon.  Make sure to check the surgeon’s credentials and consider having a second opinion.  The more preparation you do before your operation, the better off you will be.  Obviously, stomach stapling surgery is not for everyone.  It carries with it physical and emotional risks.  However, the prognosis for those who undergo such surgery is good.  And you could end up being in much better health in the long run, if you are able to successfully lose your excess weight.



If You Want to Lose Weight, Stay at Home

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         Some interesting new research indicates that you are better off staying home than eating in a restaurant, if you are trying to lose weight.  Given the fact that as many as two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and many people spend at least part of their day in restaurants, the findings are particularly troubling.
         According to Dr. Caroline Cederquist, a physician specializing in weight management, in 1978, less than 20 percent of the calories Americans consumed were eaten outside the home.  As late as 2003, the number had climbed to 50 percent.   Cederquist says that restaurant food tends to be higher in calories because it relies so much on salt, sugar, and oil.  Also, restaurant portions tend to be larger, making it difficult to make healthy choices.  It has been estimated that restaurant servings tend to be three to four times greater than typical serving sizes.  Another problem is that restaurants often serve bread or rolls with a meal, which can cause dieters to pack on the pounds. 
         Restaurant appetizers tend to be extremely high in calories.  For instance, a basket of fried onions can pack a whopping 2,000 calories.  Now, while you might not devour the entire basket yourself, chances are you will have a good share of it if it is passed around the table. 
            A number of restaurants now offer free refills of soda.   Soda glasses also tend to be large, meaning that you are receiving greater servings of this sugary beverage.  Just the soda alone can put you far over your daily recommended allowance of calories for weight loss. 
         Another problem is that we have been conditioned to clean our plates.  With plate sizes growing in restaurants, this becomes a critical weight issue.  You may feel morally obligated to eat everything that’s placed in front of you—even if your weight and health will suffer as a result. 
           Once people become accustomed to large portions when eating out, they tend to increase their portion sizes at home as well.  As a result, dieters can be sabotaged both in restaurants and at home.  If you eat out more than once a week, toning down your portion sizes can be particular difficult.
            Perhaps the greatest challenge to any dieter is the restaurant buffet.  There are so many different foods being offered, it is difficult to limit yourself.  Also, since you can go back to the buffet as many times as you want, you may be tempted to overindulge.  As a result, dieticians recommend either avoiding the restaurant buffet altogether, or limiting your second portions to fruits and vegetables. 
           Yet another problem is the type of entrees served in restaurants.  They tend to be rich in fat and calories.  Fettucini Alfredo, prime rib, and fried chicken can all cause you to gain weight.  A number of restaurants are now designating low-fat entrees on their menus, a trend which bodes well for the future.  However, this experiment is still limited to a small portion of restaurants—it has not yet become a widespread trend.
            Of course, eating out does not necessarily mean eating at restaurants.  It can also mean eating in the car, where you may be prone to non-nutritious snacking, or eating at parties held at the homes of your friends and relatives.  At parties, diet-saboteurs such as potato chips and cookies tend to be plentiful; at times, you may find such goodies hard to resist.  Eating at home shortly before a party may be the best way to avoid gaining unwanted pounds.    
                What can you do if you are forced to eat out several times a week?  Make sure that you stick to your diet plan.  Don’t be tempted to indulge in the wrong kinds of foods “just this once.”  Select entrees that are accompanied by vegetables, and resist the urge to order dessert.  Consider eating only half of your entrée and boxing up the rest for your next meal.  And don’t starve yourself prior to eating out.  Such a tactic will cause you to overeat once you get to the restaurant.   Following sensible eating patterns, both at restaurants and at home, will help you to achieve your ideal weight.

Pectin: A Key to Long-Term Weight Loss?

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       You may never have heard of pectin, but you may have been eating it for a long time without knowing it.  Pectin is found in a variety of fruits, such as apples, peaches, and strawberries, along with vegetables including sweet potatoes, beans, and raw carrots.  Pectin is defined as a carbohydrate that lacks calories.  It is also a reliable source of fiber, which is a prime ingredient of a healthy diet.  Pectin is not absorbed by the body, but manages to cut cholesterol and blood sugar levels.  It may even prevent colon cancer.

       One of the interesting things about pectin is that it causes the stomach to empty more slowly.  As a result, after you consume pectin, you feel satisfied for a lengthy period of time.  This means that you will ultimately eat less, leading to weight loss.  Research has shown that a small dose of pectin will do the trick—as little as a single teaspoon can enable you to feel satisfied.

      You’ll find pectin at your local grocery store.  There’s the powder, which may be known as Sure-Jel, and the liquid, known as Certo.  Derived from apples and grapefruit, pectin is ordinarily found among the baking supplies in the supermarket.  You can also find pectin in health food stores.

      Supporters of the pectin approach to weight loss recommend adding it to orange juice, water, or soft drinks.  The pectin should have no effect on the taste of your beverage.  Given the fact that pectin is fiber, you should increase your intake of it gradually.  Begin with a teaspoon a day and then work your way up to three teaspoons daily.  In addition to adding it to beverages, you might consider putting pectin in applesauce, baked potatoes, or broth. 

        Pectin is just one kind of fiber.  In general, fiber is a key element to any successful weight loss program.  Physicians believe you should consume anywhere from 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily, although most Americans eat 15 grams or less.  Fiber also has a number of positive health effects.  It has been linked to reducing cholesterol, managing diabetes, and limiting heart damage.  One Swiss study determined that consuming a high-fiber meal reduced hunger more than eating a meal low in fiber.  You can find a number of sources for fiber.  These include carrots, peas, spinach, and cauliflower.  In addition, there are a number of fiber-enriched breakfast cereals and breads.  For the most part, food that is high in fiber is low-fat. 

        There are some simple ways that you can increase your intake of fiber.  For instance, you can add garbanzo beans to your salad or soup, or serve a tablespoon of bran with your cereal.  Consuming the skin of fruits and vegetables will also enhance your fiber intake.  Since the actual fiber content of individual foods tends to be low, it is best if you increase the number of servings of fiber-filled food that you eat each day.

        At times, you might consider eating dinners that don’t contain meat.  This is because meat has no fiber, so it doesn’t give you the health benefits that fiber-rich food does.  Instead, concentrate on eating grains, fruits, and vegetables.  In this way, you can make sure that your meal has a hearty concentration of fiber.

      It should be said that it can become difficult to become accustomed to a diet rich in fiber.  It is indeed counter-cultural, since many families grew up consuming a great deal of meat.  However, if you’re serious about weight loss, you’ll give fiber-rich meals a try.  Such foods, combined with other sensible eating, can help you lose the weight and ensure that it stays off.

      Don’t think that you can graduate to a high-fiber diet overnight.  It may require a great deal of trial-and-error before you hit upon the right amount of fiber.  However, in the end, you may be amazed at the positive role that fiber plays in your diet.  And you may be inspired to encourage others to add more fiber to their own diets as well.  It has even been said that a high fiber diet can help you to better manage the amount of food that you consume.   So load up on fiber—and watch your waistline shrink as a result.          

NutriSystem: Weight Loss is All in the Planning

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     Beef Stroganoff with noodles…basil chicken with tomato sauce…tuna casserole…turkey with dumplings.    These might not sound like diet foods, but they are, according to the NutriSystem diet program.  The program offers separate pre-packaged food plans for women in general, men in general,  diabetics, and vegetarians.  And, according to medical research, dieters who use a plan such as NutriSystem lose 30 percent more weight over a period of four months than people who follow other weight loss programs.

       Visit the NutriSystem website at www.nutrisystem.com, and you’ll find a number of testimonials from successful dieters.  For instance, there’s Janet Z, who lost 24 pounds and is quoted as saying, “My favorite thing about the NutriSystem program is the convenience of it all, the variety of food, and the fact that this Italian girl can eat pasta every night if she wants to!”

          And then there is Nicole S., who lost 28 pounds.  Nicole states, “I thought it was extremely easy.  I carried them in my bag and there were plenty of choices.  I never got bored and I’d say that it’s foolproof.”

           The NutriSystem plan offers you food that ranks at the low end of the Glycemic Index, which determines the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar.  Those foods that lead to stable blood sugar have a low Glycemic Index ranking.  The idea is that, by following the NutriSystem program, you will end up burning fat.  The plan requires you to eat five times a day in order to speed up your metabolism.       

          Originally, Dr. Jay Satz began the NutriSystem program as a diet plan which offered dieters only 400 to 500 calories per day of nutrition.  Today, the calorie allowance at NutriSystem is much more generous.  The program offers 140 different meals, from pancakes to fettuccini  alfredo, and from cheesy potatoes to chili with beans.  Satz himself is partial to the chicken marsala for his main entrée and chocolate crunches for dessert.  

          Backers of the NutriSystem program say that it offers appropriate nutrition, enabling an individual to lose weight without sacrificing valuable nutrients.  The food portions are determined for you, so you do not have to worry about eating too much.  Also, since the food is sent right to your home, the program receives high marks in the convenience category. 

         There is no need to visit a NutriSystem center, although you can call a weight loss counselor for support.   Membership is free and includes unlimited counseling, newsletters, online classes, a computerized weight control diary, and online chat rooms.  Also, when you enroll in the program, you will receive a complimentary diet analysis.

        With the NutriSystem program, you end up eating 55 percent of your calories from low-glycemic carbs, 25 percent from protein, and 20 percent from fat.   The plan is low in sodium and derives less than five percent of its calories from trans and saturated fats.  The meat tends to be lean and low-fat, while whole grain foods are also plentiful in the meal plan.  Under NutriSystem’s guidance, you’ll eat more than four cups of fruits and vegetables a day—the amount advised by federal health officials.

          Another advantage to the NutriSystem program is that it enables you to plan meals far in advance.  Generally speaking, you begin with four weeks’ worth of products, enabling you to have enough meals and snacks for a full 28 days.  If you choose, however, you can order as much as ten weeks’ worth of food.

          Primary advantages to the NutriSystem plan include the fact that it is highly easy to use, since you will have food delivered directly to your door.  The menus also tend to be rich in nutrients, making the meals a healthy choice.  One of the major disadvantages, however, is that you will not learn how to shop for healthy food or learn how to prepare it, since the choices are made for you.  Also, you may not like the NutriSystem food, which may make it difficult to stick with the program.  In addition, the program can cost you hundreds of dollars—an investment you might not be prepared to make.  Moreover, some health experts say that you are far better off working with a registered dietician than trying to follow a prepackaged meal plan.  

Mind Over Matter: Key Strategies for Weight Loss Success

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      Katie, a 33-year-old mother of two, has been on her share of diets over the years.  From Weight Watchers to the Zone to Sugar Busters, she feels as if she has tried them all.  While she has had moderate success in losing weight from time to time, she has never found a long-term weight loss solution.  Her weight is a point of contention in her marriage; her husband—who also happens to be obese—wishes she were thin, but says he loves her anyway.  The two have been separated a number of times, and even filed for divorce once.  The stress has caused Katie to begin binge eating again.

       There is hope for Katie and others like her who feel as if they’re trapped on the diet carousel.  The key to long-term weight loss success may not be the body, but the mind.  Research indicates that those who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to lose weight—and stay thin.  But how can you have a positive outlook when you’ve been burned so many times before?  Is it possible to “will your way” to losing weight?

       One technique that has been proven effective in sports training is something called visualization.  For instance, a baseball player might visualize his bat connecting with a ball, leading to a homerun.  A soccer player might visualize kicking the winning goal in a soccer match.  And a golfer might visualize sinking the winning putt in the Masters Tournament.

       The same technique can be used by dieters.  Visualize yourself as thin.  Picture yourself in that dress that is now two sizes too small.  Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result.  Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of Fettucini Alfredo.  These mind exercises can help to spur you onto weight loss.

      When people learn they are suffering from cancer, they are encouraged to imagine their cancer cells being destroyed by healthy cells.  You can follow the same technique in order to lose weight.  That means imagining your fat cells being destroyed by thin cells.  Through such a method, you can “think your way” to a healthy weight.

       In addition, it is critically important that you maintain a positive attitude.  Be forgiving of yourself.  If you veer off your diet plan, simply get back on course with your next meal.  Don’t spend precious time “beating yourself up” over your failures.  Instead, celebrate your successes—in a non-fattening way.  For instance, when you reach a milestone—say you’ve lost ten pounds—reward yourself with a trip to an art museum or to your favorite coffee shop  (but skip the cream and sugar).   Marking milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment, a sense that you are triumphing over food.

       Another helpful technique can be prayer or meditation.  Some support groups even offer Bible-based weight loss programs that use scripture verses to help inspire.  Taking stock of your life and handing your weight loss problems over to a higher power can be cathartic and may give you a sense of peace about your weight difficulties.  It has been said that a clear head leads to a healthy body.  Try praying or meditating ten minutes at the start of your day.  Chances are you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the weight challenges that come your way.

       Yet another technique you might consider is role-playing.  Grab your spouse or a friend and ask him or her to act out a situation in which you might be tempted to overeat.  You’ll be forced to come up with strategies to fight temptation.   This rehearsal could prove to be quite helpful when a real life diet dilemma comes your way.  If role-playing works for job interviews, it should be beneficial for your weight as well.  

       Mind over matter is not just a clever saying.  It can actually be the solution to your weight loss problems.  By using your brain power, you can develop the techniques needed to make healthy food choices.   When your mind and your body are both healthy, you have the best of both worlds.  

The Secrets to Weight Loss After Pregnancy

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      Sarah is a pregnant mother of three who continues to breast-feed her 18-month-old.  After each of her pregnancies,  she has had difficulty losing weight.  With all of her responsibilities, weight loss isn’t a priority.  Still, she wishes that, once this pregnancy is over, she will be able to return to her pre-marriage weight.