‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Best Exercies To Lose Weight. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Best Exercies To Lose Weight. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Exercise Bikes

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When you decide to purchase an exercise bike, you
should first find a place in your home where you
can place it.  Then, you'll need to think about
whether or not you want an upright exercise bike, a
semi recumbent bike, or a recumbent exercise bike.

Once you have made the decision of which type of
bike you want, check out the reviews that are
available in bike magazines and also on the internet.
You can also take the advice of family and friends
who are currently using the same as well as
personal trainers who have experience.  The reviews
on exercise bikes are normally rates in accordance
to their performance, functions that they have, as
well as the type of material that is used for
constructing the exercise bikes.

The exercise bike that you select should be very
comfortable to sit on and the seat should be easy
to adjust, as it otherwise it would be really hard
to cycle on.  If the height of the seat is wrong,
it can put a lot of pressure in your lower area,
specifically the groin.  To find out more about
these types of features, it is very important
that you read a review as the reviews can give
you valuable information about the features
of exercise bikes.

Reviews have other advantages as well.  A lot
of times, websites on the internet will offer
special discounts on the exercise bikes as well,
which is just another benefit to reading the
reviews.  After you have read the reviews,
you'll be able to negotiate for a better price
once you talk to the sales person.

No matter how you look at it, you really can't
go wrong with reading a review on exercise bikes.
You can find out anything you want to know, as
well as get opinions from those who already
own the equipment.  A majority of the time,
you can find out flaws as well, which can save
you a lot of time and effort.

Going to local gyms is also a great way to
find out about exercise bikes.  If you don't
want to buy one or if you don't have the space
to keep one at home, you can always join a local
gym and use one there.  There are several
different types available at your local gym,
with everything from standard exercise bikes to
the newer electronic versions.

Whether you choose to buy on for home use or
use one at the gym, an exercise bike can help
you stay in shape.  All you need to do is ride
it a few minutes a day, and you'll be amazed
at just how much it helps you.  Considered to
be a part of cardio, an exercise bike can help
you lose weight and tone your body down like
never before.

Exercise Balls

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Exercise balls are one of the most innovative ways
to exercise.  These little balls will catch every
one's fancy due to their shape and very attractive
colors.  The real benefit of these balls, which
were introduced by a group of Swiss medical therapists,
is a substitute of support during exercise.

Working out with the exercise balls will strengthen
and tone all of the major muscles of the body.  The
soft texture of the balls make it an ideal choice
for Yoga positions, using dumbbells for muscle
toning, or working on heavy duty weight training

The advantage of exercise balls is that they are
durable and maintain shape well under pressure.  The
documentation with the balls will provide test
load figures for how much weight the exercise balls
will hold.  The advantage here is the fact that the
balls provide soft yet firm support that doesn't
harm your body.

You can find exercise balls in several different
colors and finishes.  You can even get a ball that
matches the texture of your room.  They are simple
to store and you can even roll them under your bed
or a table if you prefer.  When you aren't using
them, you can let kids play with them.  These balls
are very fun for kids, as they are very soft and
won't cause them any harm.

Medical equipment
Originally developed for use in medical therapy,
the exercise ball is used to support the body
during exercise.  These balls will provide support
to the body when you do a specific exercise in a
specific position and still need to maintain the
balance.  Most exercise balls are made of burst
proof latex or other material that is very safe to

There are many postures with yoga and muscle toning
exercise that can only be done with the help of
support.  For these postures, exercise balls are
quite useful.  The exercise balls will introduce an
element of stability to the exercise that you
wouldn't normally get with the floor exercise.

Your body responds automatically to the instability
to keep balanced on the exercise ball.  This will
help in strengthening the muscles that aren't
actively participating in exercise.

An exercise is also very useful for physiotherapy
treatment.  Exercise balls will help to get rid
of backache and spinal disorders.  The small
range of movement and adjustment of balance of
the spine that is induced by exercising with the
exercise ball will help reduce back pain.

The Swiss ball exercise is for people with back
pain to provide them with a simple way to restore
movements after an episode of back pain.  It also
results in improved muscle strength, greater
flexibility, and a wide range of motion of the
spine during treatment.

Exercise At Home Or Gym

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Making the decision of where you will go to exercise
is a very important step in reaching your goals of
fitness.  A lot of factors will go into this
decision, and each one should be evaluated well
before you start exercising.  Once you have made
a decision on where you will go to exercise, you
can move on to deciding how you plan to work out.

As you probably know, exercising at home has many
advantages.  The finance department is one of the
best advantages.  With the gas prices being what
they are today, it is quite obvious that you'll
save money on fuel as well as wear and tear on
your vehicle by choosing to exercise at home.

Memberships to a gym can often be quite expensive
and may include other things that you don't need
such as child care or swimming pools.  You also
won't need to be concerned about the latest
trends of exercise gear as you most likely will
be exercising by yourself at home.

Keep in mind that working out at home does
require a bit of financial obligation.  Even
though you may plan to run, it is very important
that you have high quality running shoes.  This
statment applies to any type of equipment that
you may purchase to use at home.  If you go
out and buy cheap equipment, you'll probably
end up getting hurt or getting frustrated because
you aren't making any progress.

Along with the financial gains, exercising at
home may also help those who don't like to work
out in public.  If you are worried about how you
look in gym clothes, it is very comforting to
know that the only person who has to be with you
when you exercise at home is you.  Also, when
you exercise at home, you don't need to worry
about time at all.

Those of you who are motivated by being with
people you know or come to know while working
out away from home, a gym may be a better idea
than working out at home.  At the gym, you'll
also more of a selection of equipment as well,
far more than you'll have at home.

If you need other services than just weights and
equipment, the gym may have just what you need.
If you plan to swim a triathlon, you'll find the
swimming pool at the gym to be just what you need
to prepare yourself.  Swimming is also a great
exercise for your body and cardio, as it will work
muscles in your body that you probably didn't
even know you had.

Gyms will also offer you classes that you may find
very motivating.  If you attend class on a regular
basis, you may be motivated enough to continue
so you don't have to defend yourself when asked
where you've been or what you have been doing.
You can also meet new people in class, or just
help others along if you choose.

All in all, making the choice of exercising at
home or at the gym is a choice you should make
based on your goals and personal preference.  The
most important decision you'll need to make is
to determine what type of environment you want
to be in and how you want to accomplish the
fitness goals in your life.

Once you have given it some thought and weighed
out the pros and cons, you'll have no problem
making the choice.  Always keep in mind that
once you've made your choice, you can always switch
if you aren't happy with the choice you made.

Exercise As Power Source

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This day and age it can be very difficult indeed to
go to the gym.  Life is very hectic and busy, which
will create a serious challenge for remaining
consistent with exercise each day.  Exercise is
however, just what we all need to reduce stress,
and give the body the extra energy it needs to carry
out normal living.

The best results of exercise are achieved through
the use of refined techniques, functional exercises,
cardio, the right nutrition, variety, awareness,
consistency, and motivation over a period of time.

The refined techniques mean correct form to isolate
muscles or to target areas of the body.  Efficiency
is need to ensure stimulation of the muscles.  With
weight lift training, which is also known as
resistance training, you'll need to eliminate any
type of momentum.

It is also important to move the weight about using
a full range of motion.  Full range of motion causes
the muscle to contract for the right amount of time
and help to ensure the right length of the tendons.
The goal here is to strengthen the joints of your
body by stimulating the muscles.

Cadence is also helpful, as it is a term that refers
to the rate in which the resistance or the weight
moves.  The best results with cadence are gained
by slow movements which will cause the muscle
to contract for a longer period of time.  You
can mix in a series of fast and slow cadence,
which is very beneficial with sports type

Using the correct angles will achieve muscle
isolation in target areas and help to decrease
the risk of injuries, which is great for those
using heavy weights.

Functional type exercise is a popular technique
that will stimulate the core and torso of your
body while you work on another muscle group at
the same time.  As an example, when you perform
a dumbell press while lying on an exercise ball.

Your abdominal muscles and the core muscles will
contract to hold your body into this position,
while your chest and tricep muscles will push the
dumbells up.  This type of exercise and challenge
will cause maximum stimulation to your body and
keep the workout interesting and refreshing.

Cardio is another exercise that is great for the
heart and lungs.  The total number of calories
you burn is very important along with maintaining
the right heart rate.  The formula for your
heart rate is 220 minus your age times 60 for
the lower number, then 220 minus you age and
times 80 for the upper number.

This is also known as fat burning zone.  Cardio
will also de-toxify the body and help to strengthen
the immune system along with other benefits.  The
muscles will contract and pass the lymph along,
which will allow the immune system to clear away
dead cells and bring new ones in.

Anytime you exercise, warming up is very important,
as it will prepare your body for the more
demanding workout of cardio.  You should always
allow 15 - 30 minutes prior to weight lifting and
10 - 15 minutes prior to cardio exercises.  You
should also stretch as well, as this will help
get the blood flowing through your musles and
get them limber as well.

An ideal schedule for working out is to warm
up then follow with cardio.  You can lift weights
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday then cardio
only on Tuesday and Thursday.

Even though you may think your schedule is simply
too busy to maintain a schedule for working out,
you'll find that adding exercise will actually add
more time, as you'll have a lot more energy in
your normal everyday life.  You can think of
exercise as the batteries that will help to give
your life power.

Exercise And Sleeping Better

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The amount of physical exercise that you exert during
the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you
get a good sleep at night.  The more active your
body is during the day, the more likely you are to
relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality
of sleep is improved and the transition between the
cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and
more regular.  By keeping up your physical activity
during the day, you may find it easier to deal with
the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct
correlation between how much we exercise and how
we feel afterwards.

You should try and increase your physical activity
during the day.  The goal here is to give your body
enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't
full of energy at night.

Your body requires a certain amount of physical
activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy
manner.  It is also important to note that you should
not be exercising three or four hours before you go
to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or
early evening.  You want to make sure you expend
your physical energy long before it is time for
your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or
four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so.
You can include walking or something simple.  If
you prefer, you can include strenuous activities
such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and
strengthen the capacity of your lungs.  By adding
a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule
will help you to improve your overall health and
help you emotionally as well.

Along with running and walking there are several
other physical activities that you can add to your
daily life to increase your level of physical
activity.  If you are battling not sleeping, you'll
find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount
of oxygen that reaches your blood stream.  Overall,
there are many types of aerobic exercise for you
to choose from.  The activities include running,
biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping

There are some non aerobic exercises that you may
find beneficial to help you solve your amnesia

Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect
on your nervous system, especially the brain.  Yoga
utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to
increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting
regular and restful sleeping patterns.  The regular
practice of yoga will help you to relax as well
as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement
that was developed by the Chinese monks.  The
movements involved are slow and precise, which is
ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable
to participate in high aerobic exercises.  Research
has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia by
promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to
exercise on a regular basis, you should try to
sneak moments of activity into your schedule.
Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead
of the elevator, as little things like that will
do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and
walk that extra block or two to get to your
destination.  As you may know, there are many small
things you can add to increase the activity in
your life.  Your overall goal here is to have a
healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of

Eating And Exercise

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Anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try and
maintain good health. You also know that you have to
eat as well, so your body will have the energy it
needs to exercise and maintain for the everyday tasks
of life.  For making the best of your exercise, what
you eat before and after you workout is very important.

No matter if you are going to be doing a cardio
workout or a resistance workout, you should always
make it a point to eat a balanced mix of protein and
carbohydrates.  What makes that determining percentage
of carbs and protein you consume is whether or not
you are doing cardio or resistance exercise and the
intensity level that you plan to work at.

The ideal time for you to eat your pre workout meal
is an hour before you start.  If you plan to work
at a low intensity level, you should keep your pre
workout meal down to 200 calories or so.  If you
plan to exercise at a high level of intensity, you
will probably need your meal to be between 4,000
and 5,000 calories.

Those of you who are doing a cardio session will
need to consume a mix of 2/3 carbs and 1/3 protein.
Doing so will give you longer sustained energy from
the extra carbs with enough protein to keep your
muscle from breaking down while you exercise.

For resistance exercise, you'll need to eat a mix
of 1/3 carbs and 2/3 protein, as this will help
you get plenty of energy from the carbs to perform
each set you do and the extra protein will help
keep muscle breakdown to a minimum while you

Eating after you exercise is just as important as
your pre workout meal.  Anytime you exercise,
whether its cardio or resistance, you deplete energy
in the form of glycogen.  The brain and central
nervous system rely on glycogen as their main
source of fuel, so if you don't replace it after
you exercise, your body will begin to break down
muscle tissue into amino acids, and then convert
them into usable fuel for the brain and the
central nervous system.

Keep in mind that mostly during resistance
exercise, you'll break down muscle tissue by
creating micro tears.  What this means, is that
after a workout, your muscles will instantly go
into repair mode.  Protein is the key here for
muscle repair, as you don't want muscle breaking
down even further to create fuel instead of
lost glycogen.

Once you have finished a cardio session, you'll
need to consume mainly carbohydrates, preferably
those with high fiber.  Rice, oatmeal, whole wheat
pasta, and northern fruits are excellent sources.
Also, try to consume 30 - 50 grams of there
types of carbs after you exercise.  After your
cardio workout, it is fine to eat within 5 - 10

Once you've finished a resistance workout, you
will need to consume a combination of carbs and
protein.  Unlike cardio workouts, resistance
workouts will break down muscle tissue by creating
micro tears.

You'll need protein as this happens to build up
and repair these tears so that the muscle can
increase in size and strength.  The carbs will
not only replace the lost muscle glycogen, but
will also help the protein get into muscle cells
so it can synthesize into structural protein, or
the muscle itself.

After your resistance exercise, you should wait
up to 30 minutes before you eat, so that you won't
take blood away from your muscles too fast.  The
blood in your muscles will help the repair process
by removing the metabolic waste products.

Choosing The Right Exercise For You

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The type of exercise you do all depends on you and
what you like to do.  What you hate doing, paying
membership fees, and whether or not to buy equipment
are all things you need to consider as well as

If you choose something that you don't like to do,
you aren't going to keep doing it for a long period
of time.  Give it some thought - if you don't like
jogging, you aren't going to get up at 6 AM and go
running.  If you can't find something you like to
do, choose something you hate the least, which will
normally be walking.

Walking is great exercise, as it suits all levels
of fitness.  Anyone can start a walking program at
any time, it's normally the intensity and duration
that differs.  Walking is also a social exercise,
as it isn't difficult to find a training partner
to chat with while you exercise.  Walking with a
partner will also make time go by faster.

No matter what exercise you choose, you should
start at a low level of intensity and build it up
over a period of weeks, which is essential to the
longevity of your exercise program.  If you start
off too hard, you could end up with an injury
which will require time off to get over.

If you are really in bad shape, you should start
off by walking for 10 minutes each day.  Then,
increase it by 5 minutes every 2 weeks.  To make
things more interesting, you should try walking
a different course every few days.  You can also
roster a different friend to walk with you each
day of the week.

If walking isn't your thing, then you may want
to try a fitness center.  They have loads of
variety and normally have trainers on hand to
answer any questions you may have.  When you
choose a fitness center, make sure that they give
good service.

If they aren't willing to treat you well before
you join, then they certainly won't after you
join.  You should also make sure that the equipment
they use is well taken care of.  It's easy to
find out, as all you have to do is listen to the
machines.  If they squeak a lot or make noise,
then chances are they aren't being taken care of.

If you still aren't sure what you should do, then
you should look into golf or tennis.  Both are
good social activities in most areas, and you can
even meet new friends.  Tennis is great for fitness
although it isn't for someone who is just starting
out.  If you haven't exercised in a long time,
then golf may be the best activity for you.

Chidren And Exercise

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If you have a child of 6 to 8 years old that wants
to start exercising and lifting weights, you may
find yourself wondering what you should do.  While
some think it is perfectly fine for children to
exercise, there are others that think differently.

The long and short of it is that yes, it is
beneficial for your child to partake in exercise
or a weight training regimen although there are a
few things that you should keep in mind once this
starts to happen.

No matter how you look at it, children aren't
minature adults and therefore you can't use the
same methods with growing children that you can use
with adults, as children are different from adults
emotionally, anatomically, and physiologically.

All children have immature skeletons, as their
bones don't mature until they get 14 - 22 years of
age.  With girls, exercise during childhood can
have very critical effects on bone health that
can last for their entire lives.

Children are often times vulnerable to growth
related overuse injuries such as Osgood schlatter
disease.  Children have immature temperature
regulation systems due to their having a large
surface area compared to their muscle mass which
will cause them to be more susceptible to injury
when they aren't properly warmed up.

Children don't sweat as much as adults do, so
they will be more susceptible to heat exhaustion
as well as a heat stroke.  Due to their low muscle
mass and immature hormone system, it makes it
harder for them to develop strength and speed.
Their breathing and heart response during
exercise are also different from an adults, which
will affect their capacity for exercise.

On the other hand, young boys and girls can
drastically improve their strength with weight
training although opposed to adults, neurological
factors instead of muscle growth factors are mostly

When you consider programs for children, first and
foremost you should obtain a medical clearance.
The first approach to designing a program is to
establish a repetition range of 8 - 12 and keep
the work load appropriate for the range.

You should ensure that workouts are spread out
enough to have at least 1 - 2 full days of rest
between workouts. The main focus when working out
should be on the form of every exercise performed,
and not on the amount of weight being lifted.

Before weight training, warm up and stretching
should be done.  Start your children off with light
loads and then make adjustments accordingly.  No
more than 3 non consecutive exercise sessions
should be done in a week.  You should also see to
it that they drink plenty of water before, during,
and after exercise.  Getting enough water is very
important with exercise, as it is often times very
easy to get dehydrated - especially with children.

Cardio Exercis

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Everyone has wondered at some point in time which
cardio exercise is better.  To put it in simple
terms, both low and high intensity exercises will
help you to burn off body fat.  The question here
is which is the most effective to burn off more
body fat.

When scientists first discovered that during
intensive exercises, your body burns glycogen, which
is a form of stored carbohydrates that are stored
in your liver and muscles for energy.  During low
intensity exercises, your body will burn a lot of

If your wondering whether or not it works, the
answer is no because there are so many obese people
still around.  Even though they are working out
with low intensity routines, it still makes you
wonder how it can be.

The scientists were right when they said the human
body burns more body fat during low intensity
exercises like walking or swimming.  During a
high intensity exercise such as running, the body
will burn a lot more calories.  Even if some of
the calories burnt are from glycogen, there are
still many fat calories burned as well.

To put the icing on the cake, when your store of
glycogen gets low, the carbohydrates from your
food you eat will later get converted into
glycogen to fill up the store and won't be
converted to body fat when they are left unused
for energy.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up your
metabolism even after you have completed your
workout.  What this means, is that your body will
continue to burn body fat hours after you have
left the gym.  This effect is nearly non existent
in low intensity cardio or aerobic workout.

Accumulatively, your body will burn up more and
more calories during and after you have finished a
high intensity cardio exercise that it will with
low intensity.

You can inject high intensity exercises into your
cardio workout by introducing some interval
training. You can walk for 5 minutes or so, then
break into some jogging for another 5 minutes or
so.  Then, walk briskly again until you have
caught your breath and then sprint for a minute
before you walk again.  From this point, simply
alternate your running and walking for the
next 15 minutes until you are finished.

One of the best things about cardio is the more
you do it, the more energy you'll have.  Cardio
will help you to burn calories, although its more
useful for keeping your energy levels high.

If you've never tried cardio before, you should
give it a shot.  If you like to exercise, you'll
find cardio the best way to boost your energy and
keep in top shape.  If you are just starting out,
you'll want to go slow and keep your cardio
exercise in track - as it is very easy to over
exert yourself.

Buying An All In One System

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These days, more and more people are turning away
from memberships to gyms and instead choosing to
invest money in a home gym.  You can put a home
gym in a spare corner of your home, or even in the
basement if you wish.  Along with helping you save
money by combining several different types of
equipment into one machine, these types of equipment
can easily fit in small spaces and type up a lot
less weight than their individual counterparts.

When you are considering to buy an all in one piece
of exercise equipment, you should first think
about your goals.  You should consider what you
hope to achieve from exercising and just how well
this piece of equipment will benefit you.

There are several types of all in one equipment for
exercise on the market and almost all of them are
advertised well on television, in magazines, and
on the internet.  The most popular types on the
market are those types that are geared towards
individuals who are interested in lifting weights.

Right now, the two most popular types of all in
one exercise systems are the Bowflex and Total Gym
brands.  The Bowflex system uses resistant bows
that bend instead of the traditional weights that
simply lift.  Bowflex is designed to fit a wide
variety of budgets and needs, it's widely
adaptable and extremely popular as well.

To make things even better, you can store the
basic Bowflex system in small and tight places,
even under a bed if you choose.  The larger and
more expensive Blowflex system competes with
the types of professional equipment that you can
find in gyms, which allow you a quality workout
on quality equipment.

The Total Gym system is great as well, as it
is advertised by martial arts legend Chuck Norris
and supermodel Christie Brinkley.  It is less
expensive than the Bowflex and uses gravity
and resistance instead of traditional weights.
By using this system, you have the ability to
adapt the machine to a wide variety of exercises
that will work many different areas of your body.

When you make that decision about buying an all
in one exercise system, you must also decide
on price, features, brand, and just who will use
the machine.  If your family plans to use it as
well, then you'll need to get a system that
everyone will agree on.  You obviously wouldn't
want a machine that is too complicated for
others in your home.

Even though Bowflex and Total Gym are the 2 most
popular types of all in one equipment, there are
several others out there as will, from brands
such as Weider and many others.  Before you
make your choice, you should look at several
to see which one offers you more for your money.

Alcohol And Exercise

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On Friday afternoon after you leave work, you probably
think about going out and having a few drinks with
friends to relax and wind down.  Even though you
may think you deserve to go out and have a few drinks,
there are some things that you should certainly keep
in mind.

Like any other day, tomorrow is going to be a day
for exercise, and since you are exercising on a
regular basis, a few drinks of alcohol won't really
hurt anything, right?  Before you decide to rush out
to the local bar, there are a few things below that
you should think about before you make your choice
about going out to drink some alcohol.

Research has proven that even small amounts of
alcohol with increase muscular endurance and the output
of strength, although these types of benefits are
very short lived.  After 20 minutes or so, the
problems will begin to surface.  All of the negative
side effects associated with alcohol will easily
outweigh any possible benefits that it can have.
No matter how you look at it, alcohol is a poison
that can really harm your body if you aren't careful.

The negative side of alcohol can reduce your
strength, endurance, aerobic capability, recovery
time, ability to metabolize fat, and even your
muscle growth as well.  Alcohol will also have an
effect on your nervous system and brain.  If you
use it long term, you can cause severe deterioration
of your central nervous system.   Even with short
term use, nerve muscle interaction can be reduced
which will result in a loss of strength.

Once alcohol reaches the blood cells, it can and
probably will damage them.  With alcohol users,
inflammation of the muscle cells is a very common
thing.  Over periods of time, some of these cells
that have been damaged can die which will result
in less functional muscle contractions.  Drinking
alcohol will also leave you with more soreness of
your muscles after you exercise, which means that
it will take you a lot longer to recuperate.

Alcohol will also have many different effects on
your heart and circulatory system as well.  When
you drink any type of alcohol, you may begin to
see a reduction in your endurance capabilities.
Anytime you drink, your heat loss will increase,
due to the alcohol simulating your blood vessels
to dilate.  The loss in heat can cause your
muscles to become quite cold, therefore become
slower and weaker during your muscle contractions.

Drinking alcohol can also lead to digestive and
nutrition problems as well.  Alcohol cause a
release of insulin that will increase the metabolism
of glycogen, which spares fat and makes the loss
of fat very hard.  Due to alcohol interfering
with the absorption of several key nutrients, you
can also become anemic and deficient with B type

Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies
alcohol, the more you drink, the harder your liver
has to work.  The extra stress alcohol places on
your liver can cause serious damage and even
destroy some of your liver cells.

Since alcohol is diuretic, drinking large amounts
can put a lot of stress on your kidneys as well.
During diuretic action, the hormones are secreted.
This can lead to heightened water retention and no
one who exercises will want this to happen.

If you must drink alcohol, you should do it in
moderation and never drink before you exercise, as
this will impair your balance, coordination, and
also your judgement.  Think about your health and
how you exercise - and you may begin to look at
things from a whole new prospective.

3 Secrets and Tips For Anit-Aging

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What you're about to read is a great resource for learning how to easily stay young without all the hype. See a place full of anti-aging tips that are easy to follow, easy to implement and easy to live. There's no reason why you can't stay young!

<b>Anti-Aging</b>, Staying Young, looking younger or just feeling younger is a multimillion dollar industry. There's a really good reason for it. We have an ever-aging generation. This generation is one of the largest generation on the planet. Naturally, there's a huge number of this population that do not want to grow old. Therefore, anti-aging products are rampant in the marketplace. But don't get 'taken' by the unnecessary products that play on the emotions of those who wish to look young.

The following are three secrets and tips that will allow you to avoid the risks of buying certain products that are not needed.

Secret Tip #1: Feed Your Face
If you feed your face with anti-aging food on a consistent basis, you'll find it easier to stay young. Another way to say this is to just make sure you're not feeding your body full of junk that is sure to perpetuate the aging process. Also, know that if you try to escape the eating step, you'll grow older faster. The body knows what it needs. Just give it to your body.

Secret Tip #2: Pick Something or Go Somewhere
In other words, get up off the couch, turn the TV off and do some anti-aging activities. This doesn't have to be work either. Find an activity or two that you enjoy. Walk, run, weight train, ride a bike, get on a pogo stick. Do anything that causes your body to move and exert some activity. This will allow your body to stay young by stretching muscles and keeping you limber at the same time.

Secret Tip #3: Don't Be A Party Pooper
Mentioned above for the #2 Anti-Aging Secret Tip was finding something you enjoy. That's the whole secret of this entire article. Find something you have fun doing. Just know this, if drinking alcohol into a drunken stupor is the one thing you enjoy, you are not going stay young for very long. In fact, if you're older in age and you're doing this you may not even enjoy staying old. The key to the entire process of anti-aging is to treat your body right and have fun doing it.

Enjoy life, stay young mentally, emotionally, physically and you'll see an anti-aging process that you'll be happy about. That will give you the motivation and momentum to continue the lifestyle of anti-aging.

The Way to Health & Vitality

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Easy to follow hints, tips and advice to gradually achieving optimum Health and Vitality and improving your general Well-being with a simple exercise and eating regimen.

health, fitness, vitality, nutrition, exercise, weightloss, slimming, aromatherapy, massage, personal development, self-improvement, stress, relaxation, smoking, headache, lifestyle, diet, well-being

Article Body:
It's time to start a Healthy life:
your 7 days program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and
exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy.

In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical work with less effort.

The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn't have to be intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent.

I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides a
one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm Up -- seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm-up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training -- Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets.

* Aerobic Exercise -- Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes of the
second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes.

* Stretching -- Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks -- Feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months -- Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely. You are gaining muscle and losing fat.

* After six months -- Start losing weight quite rapidly.

Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don't stop there. You should also change your diet and/or eating habits,' says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is
impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day

* Make sure every meal is balanced -- incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and

* Limit your fat intake to only what's necessary for adequate flavour

* Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day

* I also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

I suppose that's all I can think of for now. I should extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I wouldn't be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.

Enjoy life, we all deserve it.

You'll find many more useful information and articles at Health & Vitality - to Enjance Your Life.

Health & Vitality for all your life-enhancing and personal development products. - Visit: >>> http://www.health-vitality.com

When Trying to Lose Weight, Don’t Forget to Exercise

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When Trying to Lose Weight, Don’t Forget to Exercise

            A startling statistic has been circulating over the Internet.  This stat claims that half of all those who want to lose weight don’t exercise.  While this might seem mind-boggling at first, it is not entirely surprising, when you stop to consider what American culture has become.